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Groundwork Hudson Valley

The Science Barge is a floating environmental teaching facility on the Hudson River that has been in Yonkers since 2008. Operated by New York City Department of Environmental Protection. In its zero-net-carbon-emissions system, the Science Barge grows an abundance of fresh fruit, such as tomatoes, melons, peppers, eggplant, and lettuce. It also uses no pesticides and produces no runoff. Solar panels, wind turbines, and biofuels provide all the energy required to run the Barge. At the same time, the hydroponic greenhouse is fed only by rainfall collected from the surrounding area and cleaned river water, allowing it to operate totally “off-grid.” A popular site for public education, the Science Barge serves as a weekday destination for school groups from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and as a weekend destination for the general public. Browse around this site

The greenhouse on the Barge is roughly 1200 square feet in size, and it was acquired fresh from Nexus, Inc. and built on the Barge itself. The structure is aluminum and is attached to the barge deck using bolts and brackets custom-made from welded steel. The greenhouse sides are made of glass, while the roof is made of sturdy, double-walled polycarbonate plastic to keep out the elements. To enhance passive ventilation, four mechanical fans, a padwall evaporative cooling system, and a big, mechanically controlled atrium roof vent are used to provide air. Rainwater is captured from the greenhouse roof and stored in tanks with a combined aggregate capacity of 1200-gallons before being used to irrigate hydroponic vegetables in a diverse and continually changing array of various growth methods and media, including hydroponics. Additionally, the Barge has served as the site of a variety of aquaponic and marine science experiments, which have included the production of tilapia, catfish, crayfish, clams, and oysters, among other things.

In their original configuration, the energy systems on the Barge included 2.5 KW of solar capacity mounted on passive trackers, 2 kW of micro wind turbines, a 4 kW biodiesel backup generator, a large lead-acid battery bank capable of storing 1000 amp-hours at 48 volts, and associated support hardware. In addition, onboard the Barge, a semi-custom reverse osmosis system was installed to desalinate water from the Hudson River for backup use.

Groundwork Hudson Valley is a community-based organization that works to bring about long-term environmental change in urban communities by fostering partnerships that promote justice, young leadership, and economic opportunity.

Cities that are vibrant, diversified, and sustainable, in which the economy, the environment, and the citizens all prosper.

It ensures that everyone has equal access to a safe and healthy environment. Encourage the participation of all members of the community in decision-making. Obtain beneficial environmental change through collaborating with citizens, government officials, and business representatives. By providing environmental education and career opportunities, we may help to produce ecological and community leaders. Transform neglected public areas into lively, accessible, green communal spaces developed for and with the residents of the surrounding communities rather than for themselves. Finally, promote long-term, environmentally friendly initiatives that will positively influence for years to come.

You may reach them at (914) 375-2151 if you want to learn more.


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